How to upload and insert images for standard pages
For information on how to make your images suitable for site use, view our Knowledge Base Article on image optimisation and compression.
Uploading Images
To upload images, login to the Tyres and Service admin and navigate to the "Image Library" section. From there, click the "Manage Content Images" button (see image below).

Click the "Upload a File" button and select the desired image. Once an image is uploaded, it is available to view in the image library (shown below) and be used in all standard Tyres and Service pages. Existing images can be deleted by clicking the Red "delete" icon.

Inserting Images
When all of the desired images have been uploaded, navigate to "Edit Content" and select the pencil icon on the page in question you wish to insert the image on (see image below).
Note: Some pages are built into your website and therefore are not editable

Click the mouse on the main content area (where your page's text is - highlighted in red in the image below) where you wish the image to appear and then click the desired image below in the "Content Images" sub-section.

Editing Images
To edit existing images, right-click on the image within the main content area and select "Image Properties"

Within the Image Properties, various styling and functionality elements can be changed, including the height and width, as well as the page it links through to when clicked (if any). Once all of the desired changes have been made, click "OK" to save them.

It is important for both usability and search engine optimisation purposes that you provide the Alternative Text. You should be as descriptive as possible.
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